3 valid benefits of orgasm during your period

Overwhelmed and destroyed by PMS, gorged on sweets and in the throes of a hysterical cry, not everyone likes to make love with the menstrual cycle. Achieving orgasm in our red period seems something unseemly and unsanitary, at least half of it. of the female population. Yet ... the benefits of sex are the same during your period, check out the video:

It is not said, then, that it is necessary to have a complete sexual intercourse to reach orgasm. We all know the benefits of masturbation and how simple it is to do it in the best way, both "free hand" and with the support of a sex toys, like these:

See also

What happens when women have an orgasm (before and after)

Period sex: everything you need to know!

Anal orgasm: a new frontier of female pleasure See also: Erotic objects: all sex toys for your hot moments!

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1. The decrease in pain

Stress? Mood swings? Nervousness, moodiness, anxiety? Yes, it's all a matter of hormones. But did you know that making love and, especially reaching orgasm, releases specific hormones, such as dopamine and oxytocin, which turn out to be So, reaching this peak during your period not only provides an abundant dose of relaxation, but also the objective and physical sensation of feeling less pain because dopamine and oxytocin will also alleviate the (damned and well-known) uterine cramps.
And if you are tired of the symptoms of the premenstrual phase or the first days of your period, but you do not have the possibility of reaching orgasm (after all, our life is so full of commitments ...) you can always resort to allies, such as supplements based on vitamin B6, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium. Then when you get home, have fun alone or with your partner!

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2. The duration of the cycle

As many of you know, orgasm causes muscle spasms. These same intense spasms could speed up the menstrual process of bleeding. Thus, menstruation does not stop prematurely or stop, as popular belief has it, but could be characterized by a more abundant and less lasting flow.

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3. The level of arousal

It is not uncommon for menstrual or PMS hormones to raise a woman's sexual desire. There are not a few who alternate sympathetic cramps with the desire to make love. Here: this obviously happens due to the hormonal shift to which our body is subjected. So why not take advantage of this useful benefit?

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We suggest below a place (related sexual positions) where, not only will it be sexier to make love, but also easier during the menstrual cycle. Watch:

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