Belly slot: a must have or just a not very feminine groove?

The Belly slot is a trend that undoubtedly fascinates many women. Certainly genetics and DNA do a lot but it is also true that good physical activity, a healthy diet and many sacrifices can do a good job on your body. The thing you should never neglect, however, is a targeted training program to study. based on the shape of your body. By the way, it's time to find out!

The trend-setting hollow hides some danger

It must be said that from a distance it could almost look like a scar or an unwanted gift from multiple consecutive pregnancies or a caesarean section. In fact, often in these cases the heavily exercised abdominals are distanced and a hollow is created, which can also result in a relaxation of the internal organs. This is why doctors consider this "void" at the level of a pathology and it is often eliminated with surgery.Yes, it is true that every woman wants a toned, slender and well-defined body and a flat and firm stomach, but this Belly slot perhaps takes something away from the softness and sinuosity of the female body. However, this groove in the abdominal area has become, thanks to the performances in costumes or underwear by some stars or models, rhythmically posted on social networks or published in magazines, a real must that is trendy, an indispensable attribute for many women. Until recently, the tight gap was especially fashionable, or the groove between the legs, obtained after hours and hours of intense training, especially on the inner thigh. After the thigh gap, it was time for the bikini bridge, the arch formed by the hip bones on the bottom piece of the costume. Many fashion victims today are more and more enchanted by posting photos in bikinis depicting their own Belly slot, a trend launched by Ratajkovski in 2015, while on vacation in Capri, and which had a great success among her fans. In fact, many beautiful and well-known women of fashion or entertainment, for example Anna Tatangelo, former partner of Gigi D'Alessio, Chiara Biasi, Belen Rodriguez, Candice Swanepoel, Hilary Biasi, Michelle Hunziker, Chiara Ferragni and Alessandra Ambrosio still put in show with great satisfaction this symbol of charm and seduction of which they are proud. Obviously it is their genetic gift preserved by the constancy of intense workouts in the gym and above all thanks to a very healthy dietary lifestyle.

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Belly slot: when it comes to a fake!

Not all Belly slots are real and natural. First of all, we must also take into account the fact that, according to some observers, many photos are modified with photoshop or are fake Belly slots, created with cosmetics by expert contouring makeup artists: for example, with a darker earth shaded along the groove. a particular shadow is created that simulates a decisive Belly slot, demonstrating how often in contemporary culture appearance is more important than being. And then the mystery why sometimes the groove is seen and sometimes not in the photos of the stars is easily solved: much, if not all, depends on the pose taken before the shot. The same Belly slot in some photos appears markedly visible, while in those in which the same women are relaxed and not posing, the envied vertical line is very little noticeable or almost completely disappears. This happens because in the photos taken immediately after a forced workout, with the muscles more in evidence, or with poses designed to exaggerate the muscles of the whole body (bending to one side, raising both arms or just one behind the head, a po "as the divas of the past did, to lift the breasts and show them young and firm), the abdominals are stretched to the point of spasm. Even if the back is arched, the furrow is highlighted to the maximum.

See also: The perfect contouring: here are the must-have products to enhance your face

© iStock A play of light and shadows on the face, in one word: contouring!

Toned abs are a sign of health: yes, but be careful to overdo it!

Having a toned and fit physique is also a sign of health, but one should not overdo it with the fashions of the moment, which often ruin the well-being and aesthetics of the body, especially if the results are not achieved in an appropriate way. it is undoubtedly good for the body, but not to the point of making it a "maniacal habit, almost a perversion. It must be a conscious lifestyle choice, first of all to improve your health, your muscles, cartilage, bones. Today, an exaggerated and often irresponsible importance is given to aesthetics, by women as well as by men. Let's think, for example, of the “gymnasts” who often fall into ridicule or the strict diets that many people undergo even at the risk of their health. Not infrequently these absurd diets even lead to serious pathologies, such as anorexia and bulimia, in the search for an excessive thinness that does not make women sexier, more fascinating, but almost androgynous and light years away from the beautiful image of a body. feminine toned, lean, but at the same time youthful and sweetly curvy. How many young girls do they take as a model of the body image to which the body of the models aspire, who undergo absurd diets, dangerous to health? Many. Thanks to the hammering of the media, many teenagers think that this is the only goal that counts in their existence and this often leads them to use highly harmful weight loss drugs, even putting their lives at risk. To get an obvious Belly slot, one is forced to become very , very thin and this end, if you really think it is worth it, must be achieved by following the advice of expert nutritionists and not with a risky DIY, c on an unbalanced diet that eliminates vitamins and proteins essential for the well-being of the body or with incorrect and exhausting workouts. For example, if you do not take into account important factors, such as your state of health, the conformation of your body and your build, the diet you have been following for years, your metabolism, the type of physical activity you are used to, you can take risks if you want to get the Belly slot at all costs without a doctor's opinion.

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How to get your belly slot.

A balanced diet and moderate aerobic and anaerobic gymnastics and gradual exercises make the abdomen flat. To flatten the abdomen, a correct and healthy diet is also necessary; physical exercise is not enough. There are many foods that ferment and swell the stomach. belly, not only carbonated drinks or fatty foods; also too many legumes, broccoli, cabbage, cabbage, which can easily create aerophagia. Others, however, for example fennel, blueberry and pineapple help to flatten the abdomen and so do asparagus, a It is an excellent vegetable often used in the diets of nutritionists. Therefore, when cooking, do not use too much oil, avoid butter and flavor your recipes with spices, which in addition to making digestion better reduce fermentation. Many think they lose weight more easily, skipping meals; in this way, however, often the metabolism is altered, creating the opposite effect. Consume wholemeal products, which swell less, avoid pasta and white flour bread and even pizzas and rustic with brewer's yeast that easily create air in the abdomen. However, the abdominal groove also depends on genetics. Some people naturally have abs that react easily to training or are already toned in themselves, having received this gift due to hereditary factors. If you want to achieve a flat abdomen and a moderate Belly slot, you must take into account the fact that you need to have a lean, very toned physique, with muscles trained for contractions. A "healthy and adequate diet helps you first of all to reach your ideal weight, then you must necessarily strengthen your muscles with aerobic and anaerobic gymnastics, as if they are toned and well structured and developed in toto in a harmonious way, obviously without losing femininity to the body, a flat abdomen and a slight abdominal groove will naturally be evident. We understand that having a flat and toned abdomen is part of your desires, but keep in mind that to get it you must follow a precise fitness program, following all the rules. Diversify the exercises slowly, without haste and without exaggerating too much. The more complicated ones deal with them gradually, when you are more master of the technique. Do not make excessive efforts and sudden movements, always keep the lumbar area flat on the floor, avoid the arching of the back, called hyperlordosis. At the beginning, we recommend that you do not go beyond training 2/3 times a week, to improve your abdominals. In fact, you should never start in the fourth with the exercises, which must be performed slowly and above all correctly, under the guidance of an expert coach. You may run the risk of hurting yourself, causing severe muscle pain or back strain, without then achieving the goal you have set for yourself. The main exercises should be about the upper abdominals, the crunches, in order to make them well defined. In addition, it is necessary to make them reach a fair tone. Then alone you can also try to do others without ever straining your back too much and on specific instructions from the expert.

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The right exercises to give you toned abs!

Here are some exercises suitable for the abdominals: spread the mat on the ground and while lying down, raise your legs at an angle on a chair, with your arms up and your hands together behind your head. The head should be raised gradually without bending the back too much. Do not rest your chin on the sternum, look forward, do not touch the sternum with the chin, pull the abdomen and slowly return to stretch. Or with your arms outstretched and legs up lift your back from the extended position and try to touch your ankles.
You can also bend your hips and knees, bring your hands behind your neck, and from the ground bring your head and chest forward while lifting the most suitable part of your back. Or even flex your right leg over your left knee, holding the. right hand on the nape of the neck, and the back and head resting on the side. Slowly bring the right elbow to the left knee, rotating the torso with the legs still and return to the starting position. Then reverse the positions of the legs and arms. The muscles of the abdomen stabilize the spine, allow forward flexion, contain the visceral organs and also participate in breathing. For this reason, their training is not only useful for reasons of aesthetics or sex appeal, but also because they are very important and functional for the whole body balance. The rectum of the abdomen is what allows you to bend the trunk. Some exercises, the crunches, work the muscle fibers above the navel, the crunches reverse those below the navel, but in reality the muscle always works as a whole. Always remember to assume a correct posture that highlights your abdominals and above all think about it even at lunchtime, as after so much effort you could hide them under a soft layer of fat. Postural gymnastics is very helpful. Try to put your shoulders and heels against the wall. Then try to press the loin area against the wall, maintaining this position for up to 180 seconds, then rest a little and resume this exercise which will fix the legs. abdominals in order to support the shoulders which, due to habit, fatigue or work, are often led to bend forward.

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Aesthetic and surgical treatments for a perfect body

To shape the abdomen well, targeted cosmetics are indispensable, of excellent brand and with a good INCI. In fact, if the skin appears luminous and elastic, the abdominals stand out more. Expert beauticians will be able to advise you in good beauty centers the best aesthetic treatments to improve the abdominal area The belly is one of the parts of the body that involves the greatest difficulty in remodeling.When gymnastics, a suitable diet and remodeling creams do not have the desired effect, some women resort to cosmetic surgery, which usually gives good results, especially on skin that is still elastic. Cosmetic surgery is a choice to be made consciously, with judgment and prudence, when it is really a necessity. Abdominoplasty is recommended if there is abundant excess skin or fat. By eliminating the excessive adipose tissue, the skin on the abdomen can be stretched and the muscles become more evident. When to prevent a nice six pack is a little fat that does not want to disappear from your abdomen, cellulite residues or a little loose skin, a mini abdominoplasty, a less invasive surgery than the classic abdominoplasty, may be sufficient. This technique requires a short convalescence and much shorter recovery times than abdominoplasty. Mini abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that can also be performed under local anesthesia; it is particularly suitable when there is tissue failure, with or without adipose accumulation. It is also practiced in the case of the lower part of the abdomen of women who have had a caesarean with a very low horizontal cut, a rather unsightly fold is formed. The same scar is used to correct the imperfections of the area, repositioning the tissues and vacuuming. excess fat, if any. However, there are also alternatives.

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Latest tips always useful

If your abs are already perfect and therefore you already have a moderate abdominal groove, you could enhance it with treatments such as body countouring, always relying on an expert specialist, in order to harmonize your whole body, thus making the area stand out more. abdominal. With this new outpatient medical technique it is possible to correct imperfections and imperfections of both the face and body, acting on the hips, buttocks, calves. The specialist uses a biocompatible, non-toxic, hypoallergenic gel, free of side effects, therefore not dangerous. Its effect is very natural and not artificial, as often happens in interventions performed with prostheses. The treatment is usually done standing, as the volumes are different when lying down. The specialist applies a local anesthetic to the area, then inserts cannula needles to inject the gel deeply into the skin, finally massages to better distribute the injected gel and applies ice to the treated area to avoid swelling. The gel does not just fill the area, but promotes the production of new collagen, which makes the skin more elastic and toned. The technique is very close to filling for the face.

If you want to get a moderate Belly slot you have to engage in a serious and responsible way, proper gymnastics, healthy weight, healthy nutrition. Never take unnecessary risks. If genetics do not help you, you can resort to mini abdominoplasty, but always after thinking for a long time and if your trusted specialist believes that it is really worth doing it. Surgery should perhaps be reserved for slightly more serious problems that must absolutely be resolved with surgery. Doing gymnastics or sports is good for your health, of course, and so don't eat too much fat, fries, refined sugars or drink alcohol and carbonated drinks, but between this and the exaggerated dietary imposition that are bad for the body and mind or massacre of forced workouts, there is a lot of difference. Always remember that these are trends that are sometimes deceptive and very often dangerous, from which the new generations should be warned.

And anyway, between us, you can be beautiful and happy even without the abdominal groove!

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