Kissing is good for health: here are the 10 benefits of kissing!

Kissing is not only a positive gesture that promotes pleasure and mental well-being, but it would also seem to be a real panacea for our physical health. In fact, the benefits of kissing are many: from the treatment of headaches to weight loss, up to the lowering of blood pressure. In short, if you think that kissing is a great way to spend time with your partner, now you will have several more reasons to think so, and to do it! Here are 10 benefits of kissing that will make you appreciate this wonderful gesture of love even more.

1. Kissing makes you lose weight!

No, you are not dreaming: kissing would help you lose weight. Considering that a kiss lasting one minute allows you to burn about 10 calories, you can deduce for yourself how intense activity can only have more than beneficial effects on your silhouette.The important thing - to get more results and see the immediate consequences on your waistline - is to devote yourself to it with constancy and intensity, so as to increase its beneficial calorie-burning effect. But we are sure that you will not complain about this pleasant detail.

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2. The kiss relieves headaches and menstrual pains

Thanks to its vasodilator and analgesic effect, the kiss is able to perform a "soothing action on headaches and menstrual pains. In short, throw analgesics and various medicines and dedicate yourself to an" intense kissing session with your him: yours. physical will thank you.

3. Kissing increases the immune system

It is likely that until now you have always been led to think otherwise. Very wrong! The exchange that normally takes place during kisses is a real panacea for our immune system: in fact, in the saliva, there are bacteria, viruses and fungi which, contrary to what one might think, activate the immune system of the individuals who are kissing. strengthening it. A pretty nice vitamin C concentrate, would you ever have thought that?

4. Kissing is good for your teeth: it prevents tooth decay!

The exchange of saliva that occurs during a kiss not only helps strengthen the immune system, but is also good for the teeth by preventing cavities. The exchange of saliva increases significantly while kissing and contributes to a progressive elimination of plaque on the teeth, one of the main causes of the onset of caries, and to a better resistance to external allergens.

5. It is an excellent wrinkle remover

Did you know that 29 different facial muscles are activated during the kiss? This is the reason why the kiss is considered a natural anti-wrinkle, also quite pleasant, which allows you to keep yourself young, toning the skin of the face and acting as a very cheap anti-aging.

6. Kissing lowers the pressure

During the kiss, the heart rate increases and the vessels dilate, favoring the reduction of blood pressure. A beneficial heartbeat that, in addition to letting you see butterflies and walking three meters above the ground, also allows you to keep yourself in perfect health, and without the slightest effort! What more could you ask for?

7. It's good for the heart!

Kissing also helps cardiovascular activity. That's right, like a treadmill, a run in the park or any aerobic activity, kissing is good for the heart, and all this, without forcing you to undergo endless sessions in the gym. or complex and exhausting exercises. When we kiss, in fact, the heart is activated and pumps more blood, this represents an excellent exercise for our muscles, which will keep you younger and in shape. The ideal way to exercise, standing still and without the slightest effort, right?

8. Reduces Stress

Kissing promotes the production of dopamine - the hormone of happiness - as well as serotonin and oxytocin, capable of stimulating pleasure and at the same time decreasing the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. The result is therefore a more relaxed and serene psychological state, with a notable improvement in the quality of life.

9. Improve sleep

Since the kiss is a natural stress reliever, it can only have a beneficial impact on sleep as well. That's right: long and intense kissing sessions will correspond to endless hours in the arms of Morpheus. After all, it is no secret that a peaceful and fulfilled life favors an improvement in sleep. In short, if you have problems with insomnia, you could start solving it with a few more kisses to your him, not bad, right?

10. Kissing increases self-esteem

Kissing can help not a little to raise our level of self-esteem, an aspect that should not be underestimated, which affects every area of ​​our life. Feeling loved, appreciated and esteemed, in fact, can only act as a natural energizer on our inner well-being, helping us to increase confidence in ourselves and to build the foundations for a solid self-esteem that helps us to live better and with greater awareness of our means. In short, do you still have doubts? What are you waiting for? Run to kiss your him ...

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But what are the most famous kisses of 2017? Here are the most talked about of the current year!

Chatted or criticized, the kisses of VIPs have always been the subject of great media attention. There are those who kiss to announce a worldwide wedding, who to communicate a healing, who, on the altar, to start a new life together or who unwittingly ends up on the front pages of the most famous magazines. gossip. In short, we cannot deny that the kisses of famous people always represent rather burning material capable of unleashing our curiosity, willy-nilly. Here is the mini ranking of the most talked about VIP kisses of 2017!

© FoundCommunication Chiara Ferragni and Fedez

Even witnessing a kiss can have positive effects: here are the most beautiful and romantic kisses in the cinema!

Even witnessing a romantic kiss can lead to pleasant effects on our mood and our physical well-being, especially if we are talking about kisses that have gone down in history and entered the common imagination. Here are some of the most beautiful and romantic cinematic kisses that made us dream, leaving us open-mouthed or with a pleasant, absorbed smile.

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