10 daily actions to really take care of yourself

They tell us to be slimmer, smarter and more elegant. We are in constant competition with ourselves, we run away from what we are and towards what we could be, without ever taking a break to take care of ourselves. We will never reach the goal: there will always be a new fashion to follow and something to improve.
What if, instead, we decide not to run? What if we choose to stop and learn to accept ourselves?
Loving yourself isn't easy, especially when the world wants to change you. It is not easy, but it is feasible: it takes a little patience, a lot of good will and these 10 daily gestures. Day after day learning how to love yourself is the greatest of goals, as the protagonists of this video show us.

1. Love yourself despite the alarm clock

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Love yourself: how to do it to live a truly happy life

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How can you love yourself when the first thing you hear is the pounding sound of the alarm clock? You cannot, just as you cannot eliminate the alarm clock: yet, a day started on the wrong foot means a ruined day, so a solution must be found.
The choice to take care of yourself starts in the morning, so make sure you surround yourself only with positivity.
Replace your alarm clock with a clock radio and listen to the news or music while you have breakfast and choose what to wear. You're always late? Set your alarm clock a little earlier: it is essential to dedicate yourself at least half an hour every morning. Choose a breakfast that heals body and spirit (for example a ginger and lemon tea) and, while trying on your clothes, remember to smile. Will you feel stupid? It may be, but you will like it more!

2. Take care of yourself thanks to a beauty care gesture

The beauty routine gestures are precious examples of self-care to dedicate to oneself to experience a perfect moment of relaxation and well-being. So why not introduce them with a certain constancy to pamper yourself properly and allow body and mind to disconnect from everyday life and carve out a moment of tranquility?

And if, at the beauty moment, you also combine the mindfulness aspect and inner well-being, that's it! Treatwell, the largest portal in Europe for booking beauty and wellness treatments, offers the mindful manicure, a beauty treatment that combines beauty care and life-coaching pills. Treatwell has in fact chosen to bring this new frontier of the beauty world to some salons and nail bars in Milan and Rome, offering its customers, during the manicure, listening to a podcast created by EASC certified Life and Mindfulness Coach, Giusi Valentini, to transform the manicure into a moment of introspection and self-care and an "opportunity to work on one's self. Users will wear a pair of headphones and, at no extra charge, for the entire duration. of the treatment will have access to Giusi Valentini's podcasts for a guided meditation, as well as ad hoc playlists designed to accompany listeners on their journey towards mindfulness.

From strengthening self-esteem to the importance of correct breathing and posture, up to practical advice and daily exercises to improve concentration, manage emotions and work on self-acceptance: there are many areas and themes to explore and deepen.

In short, a real gift to yourself for your own physical and inner well-being!

3. Choose silence to hear your thoughts

Make a fixed appointment and, every day, for at least half an hour, get away from people, mobile phones and music. You must not have any distractions, nor haste: all you have to do is try to observe yourself, listen to your thoughts and empty your mind. It won't be simple at first, but it will be worth it.

4. Write down your successes and failures

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Keep a diary and write down what, day by day, makes you feel good or makes you feel bad. It will be very helpful for you to re-read your thoughts, judge your actions in black and white and learn from them.
Do not use it only as an outlet, but above all try to write down your small daily successes: think about the traits of your character that have allowed you to achieve them, not to self-please, but rather to realize that you have qualities that should not be underestimated.

5. Change, yes, but only the table

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Appliance. It seems useless, but it is not: a well-finished table, with colored placemats, plates and glasses in the same color and perhaps a bouquet of flowers will help you enjoy the moment of lunch or dinner. Change tablecloths and dishes often: an extra touch of color never tastes.
Remember: you don't have to look for order, especially if you're messy. Just pick one your way of furnishing, with the colors and accessories you prefer. The important thing is to sit at the table with a smile.

6. Move to take care of yourself and not to lose weight

Forget the step, aerobics and push-ups. Forget the sport made to lose weight and choose, instead, movement as a form of love for yourself. It doesn't matter how many calories you burn: you can even just go for a walk, or dance your favorite song The release of endorphins will make you feel better immediately.

7. Take care of your body without diets or deprivation

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Taking care of your body does not mean submitting it to harrowing diets, but instead listening to it and understanding what it needs. So, ok a bit of movement, but above all make sure to give him the right food attention every day. Choose healthy and real food, nothing packaged: lots of vegetables, fruit and even some sweets for the mood. For example, chocolate is good for the spirit, but also for the skin, as demonstrated by chocolate therapy! A square of chocolate a day will only improve your health and mood!

8. Save money so as not to miss an "opportunity

Set aside a few coins a day, you choose the amount. Choose a transparent glass piggy bank, so that you can see your savings increase. Saving for your future is a simple but effective way to take care of yourself.

9. Singing and dancing to ward off negative ideas

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Choose one, two, a hundred songs and dance and sing until your legs and lungs hurt. It does not matter if you are out of tune, if you are on the street or if you are not coordinated: improvising a ballet or an acute Beyoncé will make you feel better immediately. Hearing the words of someone who has described your feelings exactly, or, better yet, of someone who says "it can be done" is a great way to build self-confidence.

10. Say yes

We are not asking you to become a "yes woman" and, therefore, to say yes to anything. On the contrary: you must feel free to do only what you want, what you feel comfortable in, without trying to satisfy others.
What we are asking you is not to start your sentences with a "no". If, for example, you think that to love yourself it is necessary not to listen to the negative words of your boss, do not say to yourself: "do not listen to your boss", but rather: "listen to yourself".
The human mind does not perceive "no": if we tell you "don't think about an elephant", what is the first thing you think about?
It is the same with desires: think positive and you will get positive results.
I promise.

Tags:  Horoscope Old-Test - Psyche Old-Couple