5 sports to do during your period to reduce pain and what to avoid

How much do we want to do sport on the first day of our cycle? How much do we want to subject our body to "further fatigue when menstrual pain makes us want to disappear? Indeed, to have this miraculous contraption at hand:

In short, the menstrual cycle gives us many "wonderful" moments, which not only concern the pain in the ovaries but a widespread feeling of malaise that involves the head, muscles, bones and mood. But, despite what one might imagine, the idea that sport is bad for you is yet another false myth about the menstrual cycle. Indeed, some sports help relieve pain and discomfort, even psychological, that afflicts many women during menstruation.

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Sports that relieve pain during menstruation

Awareness number one: any sport taken to the extreme can have not exactly positive consequences on the organism. Awareness number two: when we play sports we must always listen to our body, especially during menstruation, a period of maximum sensitivity and weakness.
The sports to be practiced during the cycle are those that allow us to: unload stress and agitation, as well as the load we have on the lumbar area and back at that time; stretch and relax the muscles which, also due to the decrease in serotonin due to the cycle, it is more tense and contracted.

The sports to be preferred, therefore, are the following:

  • Yoga, in all its softer versions, including laughter yoga that is good for body and spirit.
  • Pilates (in moderation), especially in exercises designed for the back.
  • 20-30 minute brisk walk or stationary bike, which allow you to relieve stress and produce endorphins, which make us feel better also emotionally.
  • Stretching, which allows us to relax contracted muscles and stretch them.
  • Swimming, especially backstroke, which stretches and produces endorphins. Of course, for swimming we can have some problems, even if tampons and, even more, the menstrual cup have solved every embarrassment. And if you have doubts about the latter, we will take them away: it is easy to insert (even if men will never understand it!)!

What sports to avoid during menstruation?

When you have menstruation, however, you must also take into account the limits of our body and that a particular area, at that moment, is working carefully and laboriously to carry out its function. Reason why, during the first days of menstruation, you should avoid:

  • Sports and exercises (including Yoga) that involve positions contrary to the flow of blood. To explain, avoid doing exercises like "the candle".
  • Sports that strain and strain the abdominal area, in order to avoid increased flow.
  • Sports that load back and lower back muscles.
  • Sports that require too much stamina or physical exertion.

In short, during your period you have to unload and relax with simple positions, such as these:

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