5 beauty mistakes we make every morning

Even if in the morning we are used to running a marathon (the alarm goes off and while the alarm goes off we check that everyone is okay we make coffee with one hand and with the other we prepare breakfast for the family while we make sure we have a bathroom free to prepare before going out) there are some precautions that are better to follow, especially as regards the beauty routine.
Like this model, we are beautiful both with and without makeup, but that certainly doesn't mean that we don't have to love each other ...

Here are 5 mistakes that we make all too often and that, fortunately, we can solve with a few tricks.

See also

Nettalingua: how to use it to eliminate patina and toxins every morning

How to wake up rested: 6 tricks for a fresh look in the early morning!

How to squeeze pimples: the mistakes to avoid

1. Use water that is too hot

In the morning you don't want to meet cold water? You're absolutely right, the problem is that, unfortunately, water that is too hot, although pleasant, is not for us. This favors the dryness of the skin and therefore it would be good to choose a middle way: lukewarm water in our case, is the solution!

2. Wash your hair at the end

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The world is divided into two broad categories: those who take a shower in the evening and those who prefer to dive under the jet in the morning, hoping that this will help them wake them up.
Whatever group you belong to, it is good to know that we have been wrong in the order of things for years and that, unlike the commutative property of additions, here the result changes all right. Remember to wash your hair before washing your face or all of it. dirt accumulated in your hair will risk settling on your face, an area to which we will not devote much attention because it has already benefited from its minutes of glory!

3. Try to "get rid" of the pimples right away

Or even better in this case, maybe never!
Did you wake up and an annoying friend peeped on your face, more or less fresh and rested? Whether it's a pimple or a blackhead, you don't have to get stuck: although coexistence between you will be difficult, you have to give it its space.
It is useless to try to eliminate them on the spot, play with the corrector and, as soon as you come back from work, try to rely on a home remedy: you will not regret it!

4. Exfoliate too much

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It is good to limit the practice of exfoliation in the evening because, by doing so, you make less chance for smog and chemical agents to attack you and thus give life to detestable impurities. Look on the positive side: not having to dedicate yourself to this too, you have just gained some minute of time in the morning!

5. Only wipe the makeup remover pad before going to bed

Last night, after removing your make-up, you used a facial cleanser so that you go to bed clean and without regrets: everything is perfect, only it would be better to repeat the cleansing even in the morning because, at night, our skin renews many dead cells.
If you want to be perfectly tidy even on the go, here are some items you won't be able to do without!

Tags:  Old-Home Marriage Love-E-Psychology